Windows 10 is Here - Now What?

AUTHOR | the staff @ThinkSpace IT

On July 29th the infamous Windows 10 was officially released, which we're certain opened the floodgates to millions of those waiting not-so-patiently to get their hands on a copy.

Were you one of them?

If you answered no, don't feel bad, we KNOW you're not the only one. But when the time comes and you do decide to upgrade, we've compiled some helpful links below covering some known issues. This list will also be updated periodically so be sure to check back.

ISSUE | How to fix Broken wifi after your free upgrade

There have been reports of wifi dropping after the Windows 10 upgrade. We've not personally experienced it here in the office or with anyone we know, but in case it happens to you, here you go!


ISSUE | HP Client Security Manager Incompatible with Windows 10

If you, like some of us here at ThinkSpace IT, utilize encryption and other safety features on your machine you'll want to pay special attention to the links below BEFORE you hit the upgrade button.


ISSUE | I Don't like Windows 10 and Want to Revert Back

We know that not everyone is going to fall in love with Windows 10 immediately and some of you may even want to revert back to your previous OS. If that's the case, check out the link via CNET above for a tutorial on a quick way to roll back to your previous version of Windows. Keep in mind that you have 30 days from the date you upgraded to 10 in order to do this though.


ONCE YOU'VE DECIDED YOU'RE READY TO UPGRADE, check out this helpful article from PCWorld. They have some great insight and tips, one of which includes backing up your data BEFORE you upgrade. If you're not sure about the best way to do this or you want to get hooked up with our Garrison Data Secure plan, be sure to call the office and let us know.

As always, we're here to help so if you run into an issue that you don't want to tackle on your own, don't hesitate to call us for some assistance!