You might remember in last month's newsletter we announced a new line of managed solutions. Well, we're so excited about it that we've decided to extend a special offer. If you don't currently have a backup solution, or are in the market for a new one, check this out.

Get $100 off your first year of service with 2 year agreement for new Garrison Data Secure customers!

To take advantage of this awesome offer, simply give this to your IT Sherpa (if you don't have an IT Sherpa yet, let us know) and they'll get you set up.

Sink or swim: 3 tech trends to adopt now or face extinction later

AUTHOR | Microsoft for Work

Jack Welch, retired CEO of General Electric, once said, “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.”

The saying holds true now more than ever while we observe exponential businesses embracing the rapid change in technology and staying afloat. Meanwhile, businesses that are either reluctant to use new technologies for any number of reasons (“we’ve come this far without it!”) or are waiting to see what technologies are proven to work (“IoT may just be a fleeting trend”) are struggling and getting left behind. For them, the end is most certainly near.    Read More

Product breakdown | Google Chromebooks

AUTHOR | Jessa Erickson @ThinkSpace IT

Before we dive in to a quick and dirty breakdown of Google Chromebooks, there are several things to consider. Forget what you know about traditional laptops because the Chromebook isn't really categorized as such. The main reason being because the Chromebook primarily functions only when connected to a wi-fi network. That doesm mean it ONLY functions with wi-fi, but that is how it was predominantly designed. So, with the knowledge that these are a different breed of laptop, let's move forward.

Like all laptops out there you have brand consider. Manufacturers of the Chromebook appear to be increasing as popularity grows, but according to Google's website our options currently consist of HP, Lenovo, Samsung, ASUS, Acer, Dell, Toshiba, Haier and Hisense. Compare to one year ago and our options have roughly doubled. Why? Because Chromebooks have been making quite a name for themselves and are rapidly becoming the go-to device for schools' 1:1 solutions. Screen sizes have also become varied and range from 10" to 15", some are even touchscreen too so there's that to think about.

The last but certainly not least important factor to consider is price. MSRP runs the gammut from $149 to $349 across all manufacturers. Lest we forget the Chromebook Pixel, which runs a cool $999. We won't leave this out of general consideration, but know that most school districts might have a hard time with it's price point when they have other options that are 2-3 less expensive. But don't get hung up solely on cost. While cheap is great, it's not always the way to go. You have to take into consideration the innerds (RAM, hard drive capacity, etc.) too compared to what you're going to be using the Chromebook for.

If you've not had a chance to take a peek at a Chromebook for yourself we invite you to stop by the office for a test drive.They're great little machines that have some awesome capabilities.

In addition to Chromebooks, Google also has the nifty Chromebox out on the market as well courtesy of HP, ASUS, Acer and Dell. These little devices are compact and making a name for themselves in schools these days as a digital signage solution. We've got one here in the office that we've been doing some testing with and are pretty pleased at what we're seeing. For more information on that give us a call or stop in to see how it works for yourself!

Phishing: Still a concern

AUTHOR | HP Technology at Work

Businesses often don’t realize how vulnerable their confidential data is until it’s exposed by a hack. By now, many are aware of external threats to data security and (hopefully) prepare accordingly, but breaches can still occur—despite taking the necessary security precautions. And with phishing, threats don’t need to sneak in the back door; sometimes they walk right through the front.

The ins and outs

Phishing is the act of posing as a familiar, trustworthy entity in electronic communications and using that familiarity and trust to get recipients to release confidential information, such as passwords and bank account numbers.     Read more

Done is better than perfect: the counterintuitive mindset that’s a vital survival skill

AUTHOR | Microsoft for Work

Back in Facebook’s earlier days, there was the mantra on the company’s office wall: “Done is better than perfect.”

That phrase was part of the company’s cultural philosophy from the get-go. And it’s one that, because it was built into employee mentality, made it easier to follow. Unfortunately, it’s not a mantra embraced by many established businesses, least of all by ones that believe “Done is better than perfect” is relevant only in startup culture.   Read More

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