Introducing Garrison Spam Solutions.

Admit it, some days you live and breathe by your email. With all of the crazy spam/junk being shipped out electronically, let us help you protect your assets!

Contact us for more information!

Spam Filtering

Garrison Spam Cloud is a cloud based email filtering solution allowing you to protect your users and business email from Spam, Viruses and other Malware. Requiring no on premises software or end user client software, set up is extraordinarily simple and quick. Just send us the domains you want scanned and the IP address of your mail server and we will set you up, after that redirect your MX records to our servers and you are up and running. You can log onto your own Garrison Spam Cloud interface and create reports, adjust policies and much more.

Why Garrison Spam Solutions?


Over 99.9% spam blocked
False Positive Rate < 0.03%
Double Antivirus Engines


Advanced & easy to navigate
Real-time reports of all emails
End user quarantine reports


Up & running in 30 minutes
Automated updates & backup
Intuitive web based GUI


  • Immediate Access - Get up and running in 5 minutes
  • Multilayered anti spam analysis giving 99.97% Spam Detection, including Sender Policy Framework, SURBL's, RBL's Bayesian analysis and more.
  • Double antivirus protection, Kaspersky Lab and Clam AV engines at NO additional cost.
  • Content Control to block unwanted email traffic coming to your organisation.
  • End User Quarantine Reports
  • Whitelists/Blacklists
  • No maintenance overhead.
  • Web interface that allows controlled access from any network and removes the need for client based management software. LDAP, Dynamic and aliases file recipient verification SASL authentication
  • Advanced and easy-to-manage reports
  • Full version available in 9 languages